Головин Сергей


Российский архитектор и экспериментатор, ищу свой путь в технологиях и искусстве.

2017 **NIPI Gradplan**/ Moscow urban planning institute /internship/
2019 **Оstozhenka**/ Architectural bureau, Moscow /internship/
2020 **BPS International** / Bayern Property Service, Munich-Moscow /
architect technician/
developing BIM model of Gasteig Opera, Munich.
2021-ongoing **Speech**/ Moscow/ Architect.


2010 - 2014 Preparatory studies in **Drawing school**
2015 - 2020 **Мarkhi/ Bachelor** degree Moscow Architectural institute (state
academy)/ Prof. Gavrilova М.М. /Thesis prof. Mamleev О.R.
2017 **WFYS**/ World festival of Youth and Students/ participation
2018 Summer school **DVORISMORE**/ educational programm between Moscow
architectural institute MEGANOM bureau and Politechnico di Milano.
2019 **ТUM**/ exchange semester/

Год выпуска: 2022

Учебное заведение: Московский архитектурный институт

Направление: Средовой дизайн